Ankit Pal

Is dynamic personality who brings
in uncompramising vision and
expertise in Petroleum, Real Estate and Shipping

Changing the world one step at a time

India’s leading petroleum retail and supply company

India’s leading petroleum retail and supply company

India’s leading petroleum retail and supply company

India’s leading petroleum retail and supply company

India’s leading petroleum retail and supply company

I worked with Ankit Pal as a business associate from January 2018 in USAP International Private Limited. In that time I observed the quality of knowledge and skills he possesses that help boost the company achieve its goals. I particularly remember when we had our first board meeting, the target's were met within 6months of the decided timeline. Working with AP is what I will value most.
- Utsav Sanghvi, CEO - USAP International Private Limited


We strive to be an all encompassing producers and providers of petroleum, real estate and information
technologies while adapting to sustainable shipping & logistics to meet dynamic global market demands.

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    All contents belong to Ankit Pal